Understanding E-commerce Order Fulfillment KPIs and Why They Are Important

Hopstack23 Mar, 2022Business

We live in a world where enormous amounts of data are being collected and analyzed every day. It does not matter which industry or business you consider, if there is traffic, there is data. This is particularly true when talking about e-commerce as well.

How to Implement an Order Return Process and Reduce Return Rate by Minimizing Fulfillment Errors

Hopstack23 Mar, 2022Business

If you run an e-commerce business, you most likely know that managing order return rates are always a challenge. Customers are more than two times as likely to return their online purchases as compared to in-store purchases. That’s not all, almost 48% of online consumers reported that they returned their orders in 2020, adding up to $428 billion lost in sales in the United States alone.

Hopstack's Latest Integrations: February 2022

Hopstack21 Mar, 2022Technology

Hopstack is constantly integrating new services with the Hopstack platform. The addition of integrations helps the customers in simplifying their processes and connecting their entire warehousing and fulfillment tech stack in one place. February 2022 saw Hopstack adding three new shipping services that include FedEx, Purolator, and Aramex.

The Many Reasons to Go With a Cloud Based WMS

Hopstack15 Mar, 2022Business

Implementing a cloud based WMS might appear like a slightly more expensive option in the early stages. But considering the hardware costs and the hardware operation and maintenance costs that you can eliminate, cloud WMS might be a more cost-effective option.

Choosing The Correct Warehouse Management System

Hopstack10 Mar, 2022Business

A warehouse management system is bringing a revolution in the warehouse industry. While they are important for improving the bottom line and productivity of a warehouse, not every warehouse management system is built the same, just like not every warehouse operates in the same way.

Biggest Challenges Faced by Amazon FBA Sellers in 2022 and How to Solve Them

Hopstack15 Feb, 2022Business

Large and small sellers have faced significant issues with the Amazon FBA by losing fulfillment control and paying exorbitant costs to Amazon. Here is a guide on the most common challenges Amazon FBA merchants face and how taking ownership of the fulfillment process can solve them.

6 Best Types of Warehouse Automation Systems

Hopstack15 Feb, 2022Business

A warehouse automation system has become a necessity for every warehouse and is an effective way to combat the challenges of warehouse management. We are in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and Industry 4.0 focuses on cloud computing, the internet of things, automation, and digitizing manual processes.

Benefits of Automated Warehouse Management System that Every Business Should Know About

Hopstack15 Feb, 2022Business

This also means that there are no bottlenecks because of unprecedented events. Automated warehouse management system is one such type of advancement that businesses are now tapping into. These systems are bringing in a sensible level of automation that helps businesses manage their warehouse processes easily.

The ERP Warehouse Management System Comparison for Businesses

Hopstack31 Jan, 2022Technology

Each has its own benefits and they are both meant for very different applications. Knowing how they are different would make it easier for businesses to make their investment in the right place so that all their requirements. Let’s look at an overview of ERP warehouse management system comparison for businesses.

The Many Perks of Investing in a Warehouse Management System

Hopstack31 Jan, 2022Technology

Any manufacturing business will benefit from having a robust warehouse management system (WMS) in place. This helps in streamlining all the operations that happen in the warehouse. In a supply chan system, the WMS comes as a bridging unit between the enterprise resource planning system and other processes like freight management and more.

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