Medication treatment monitoring is a crucial component of CCM resources

Spacinternational24 Sep, 2023Health

Medication treatment monitoring is a crucial component of CCM resources. This involves tracking and managing medication regimens to ensure that patients adhere to their prescribed treatments. Medication adherence is often a significant challenge for individuals with chronic conditions, and non-compliance can lead to worsened health outcomes and increased healthcare costs.

Chronic care management (CCM) resources encompass a range of tools, technologies, and services

Spacinternational22 Jul, 2023Other

Chronic care management (CCM) resources encompass a range of tools, technologies, and services designed to support patients in managing their chronic conditions more effectively. These resources facilitate communication, education, and coordination between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

Medicare will only pay for patients with two or more chronic conditions

Spacinternational26 May, 2023Health

SPAC International will offer this promotion for all cancer doctors in the country by the end of November. Medicare will only pay for patients with two or more chronic conditions. SPAC International will offer this promotion for all cancer doctors in the country by the end of November. Medicare will only pay for patients with two or more chronic conditions.

We are the first company to have developed the caregiver option for patients

Spacinternational22 Mar, 2023History

We are the first company to have developed the caregiver option for patients who may not be smart phone savvy, where their family member can monitor their mom or dad who have chronic conditions in real time. This care coordination by caregivers, our clinical teams and patient engagement with their physicians, reduces health care costs and provides better quality of life

CMS started reimbursing for Remote Patient Physiological Monitoring

Spacinternational23 Jan, 2023Health

CMS started reimbursing for Remote Patient Physiological Monitoring effective January of last year and they have allowed for general supervision starting from January 2020, where Sargas' certified case managers can monitor the patient's vital health data," continued Git Patel.

Sargas charges doctors to use its chronic care management and patient monitoring software

Spacinternational22 Nov, 2022Business

Sargas charges doctors to use its chronic care management and patient monitoring software. The doctors then bill their services to the federal Medicare program, which early last year began accepting charges for remote patient monitoring services. Sargas charges doctors to use its chronic care management and patient monitoring software. The doctors then bill their services to the federal Medicare program, which early last year began accepting charges for remote patient monitoring services.

Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases

Spacinternational22 Nov, 2022Business

Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases Bakersfield firm launches software for remotely monitoring COVID-19 cases

Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020

Spacinternational24 Sep, 2022Other

Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020 Sargas' Remote Patient Monitoring is among Top Ten Patient Monitoring Solutions for 2020.

SPAC International provides the technology and human touch

Spacinternational24 Sep, 2022Health

SPAC International provides the technology and human touch, which go hand in hand, delivering the opportunity for clients to provide the best available care for their patients. Its FDA approved Mobile Medication Treatment Monitoring applications, along with the compassionate staff, help patients stay on their medications and reduce the progression of their disease.

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