Give a child the gift of adoption

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Adoption is a life-altering and positive experience, which may have an unimaginable influence on everyone involved in the process. Not only can it serve the adoptive parents, who have oftentimes tried for years to add a child to their families, but also the birth parents and, more specifically, the adopted child.

Understand the donation tax deduction limit.

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

The thought of giving to charity and doing our bit for society may have crossed our minds on several occasions. It is a laudable gesture to donate to a cause that one sincerely believes in to help make a difference. Given the grandeur of this gesture, the Indian government extends its full support to numerous philanthropic services. Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 concedes a tax deduction on contributions/donations made to any charitable fund or organization.

It is your duty to protect the children of our nation.

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Every single day, we read shocking news about children being victims of atrocities; gut-wrenching stories of youngsters falling prey to sexual assault and molestation make the headlines often. Do you know if children who live around you in your community are safe? National statistics assert that about 53% of children are abused, wherein the highest number of cases are reported in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. 

Education is the means to development

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Do you envision changing the world? You can start with just one life – sponsor a child education. So many children around the world are left in a lurch with their lives endangered at so many levels. Stepping up to sponsor a child education could be your chance to make a sincere and substantial difference in the world. Choosing to sponsor a child’s food, education, and comprehensive well-being, principally a child you have never met can seem like a daunting possibility.

How to protect the girl child’s rights

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Our society has become extremely prejudiced to measure the value of life based on gender. We hear of many poignant campaigns, globally, that address several issues like save girl child, female empowerment, female education, etc., but have we ever wondered how it even came to this?

Girls Education is paramount to the development of any nation

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

If we just glance at the demographics of our nation, India is one of the most populated countries. However, the rate of girl education is low within the country, and is quite troubling to ascertain these dwindling statistics and data, where women are given the status of goddesses. 

Make Old Age Easy

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

"India will have the second-largest global population of senior citizens, and most will live in poverty. It’s not unusual to see an old citizen begging at a traffic light or outside a temple. Instead, many are discovered in terrible conditions with nowhere else to turn. According to the survey, India has over 3 million old homeless people, with 93 percent of the elderly working in the unorganized sector and receiving no post-retirement benefits. "

Respect Old Age; It’s Your Future

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

"Elderly people require additional attention and comfort in order to live a healthy, stress-free life. Unfortunately, because of a lack of knowledge about their changing behavioral patterns at home, their family members harm the elderly. However, there are several personal ways in which you can assist elderly people on a personal level "

All About Charity Donation Websites

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Spend some time checking the story behind every fundraising request you receive to ensure your money is put to good use. Donating to a well-known charity rather than to individuals is an excellent option. Then you may rest comfortably. But unfortunately, scammers take advantage of people’s goodwill.

Education Is For All

Savethechildren29 Jun, 2022Other

Education is among the most powerful tools for empowering individuals’ communities, especially women and girls. Academic achievement and literacy rates are qualities of a society’s overall growth. Gender equality and female empowerment are critical in achieving success and long-term development.

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