A Day in the Life of a Dog at a Modern Doggie Daycare Center

Preston Wood Kennels14 May, 2024Business

At a cutting-edge doggie daycare in Houston, once daylight hits and energy comes to life, the canines wake up. As soon as the morning comes, a buzz of wagging tails engulfs everyone—staff and four-footed pals alike—exchanging glad barks first. The next is a group playing time inside a biggy indoor playfield, whose floor is bursting with various play stuff, including toys, climbing zones, and agility trails that keep one’s mind and body motivated.

Standard Errors to Avoid When Training A Dog

Preston Wood Kennels10 Apr, 2024Business

Is anyone having problems training their pet? They are not alone - numerous owners go through this stage. They consider that they're doing their soundest to teach their puppies, but despite their best actions, they don’t get the desired outcomes.

The Benefits of Regular Dog Grooming for Pet's Health and Happiness

Preston Wood Kennels19 Mar, 2024Business

When most folks consider dog grooming, they summon up pictures of bows and brushes as well as handling after their pups. Others have the misunderstanding that pet grooming is not essential. But, it is crucial for the entire household members as well. They do not wish their dirty and stinky puppy to jump on their settee or clean bedspreads.

Why Dog Boarding Is Best For Pup Activities?

Preston Wood Kennels05 Feb, 2024Business

Pet parents encounter specific circumstances that make it unimaginable to have their puppies around. Busy working days, conferences, and family time-outs, owners might have a few meetings to schedule and attend, making it impossible to have sufficient time with a pup. It leaves them no other choice than to discover a dog sitter or a doggy daycare facility.

Positive Reinforcement vs. Correction-based Training: What Works Best for a Dog?

Preston Wood Kennels03 Jan, 2024Business

Training a puppy is a rewarding yet tricky matter that needs mindful consideration of the techniques engaged. Two primary approaches, positive reinforcement, and correction-based training, have gained prominence in the best dog training realm. Each approach comes with its own set of codes as well as results, sparking debates among pet parents and trainers alike.

Unleash a Dog's Potential: Discover the Best Dog Training Techniques

Preston Wood Kennels01 Dec, 2023Business

Dog training is more than just teaching your furry friend to sit or roll over; it's about unlocking their full potential. Just like humans, furry friends have unique personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding the basics of pet training is the key to tapping into their intelligence and enhancing their natural abilities. By recognizing a puppy's individuality and tailoring one's approach accordingly, pet parents can set the stage for a harmonious and fruitful training journey.

Exploring the Growing Trend of Doggie Daycare: How it Enhances the Well-being

Preston Wood Kennels27 Oct, 2023Business

In a couple of years, doggie daycare has become a growing hottest trend in pet care, and for acceptable reason. This clever practice of pooch care offers a plethora of perks for both canines and their owners. As the demand for doggie daycare services continues to surge, it's essential to understand how it can enhance the well-being of pet parents' beloved four-legged friends.

Signs a Dog Needs a Day at Doggy Daycare

Preston Wood Kennels04 Oct, 2023Business

As much as everyone loves their canine companions, there are times when their busy timetables simply don't align with their need for attention and workouts. Enter the realm of doggy daycare, a haven for dogs seeking socialization, exercise, as well as mental inspiration when their pet parents can't be there. But how do individuals comprehend if their furry friend is a prime candidate for a day at puppy daycare? In this guide, experts will discover the signs that suggest a pup might benefit from a day at the daycare.

The Dos and Don'ts of Leaving a Dog at a Boarding Kennel

Preston Wood Kennels04 Sep, 2023Business

Speaking of ensuring the well-being of a furry friend while pet owners are away, opting for the right boarding kennel is crucial. Whether individuals are going on vacation, a business trip, or simply need a safe place for a pet to stay temporarily, following the dos and don'ts of leaving a furry friend at a dog boarding kennel will make the experience stress-free for both folks and their puppy.

Managing Energy Levels: How Doggy Daycare Can Help with Exercise

Preston Wood Kennels01 Aug, 2023Business

Maintaining a furry friend comfortable and healthy involves more than just feeding nourishing food and routine vet check-ups. Pups are energetic creatures that need plenty of workouts to thrive physically and mentally. If pet parents discover it challenging to uncover the time to give a canine the exercise they require, think about enrolling them in doggy daycare. Besides, professionals will discuss how pooch daycare can assist in handling a fur face's energy levels by offering them the exercise they crave.

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