Queue (std::queue) In Modern C++ | Learn CPlusPlus

Learn C++28 Mar, 2024Technology

In Modern C++, the std::queue represents a FIFO (First In, First Out) data structure, allowing elements to be added at the back and removed from the front efficiently. It's part of the Standard Template Library (STL) and provides member functions like push(), pop(), front(), and empty() for easy manipulation. Ideal for scenarios requiring sequential data processing with dynamic size requirements. If you want to explore more about Queue (std::queue) In Modern C++, take a look at this blog.

Predefined Identifier | Learn CPlusPlus

Learn C++21 Mar, 2024Technology

A predefined identifier is a reserved word or symbol in programming languages, serving a specific purpose within the language's syntax. These identifiers are predefined by the language itself and cannot be redefined by the programmer. They play a crucial role in facilitating standardized and consistent functionality across codebases. If you want to explore more about Predefined Identifier, take a look at this website.

Digit Separators | Learn CPlusPlus

Learn C++14 Mar, 2024Technology

In modern C++, digit separators are used to enhance code readability and maintainability by making numeric literals easier to interpret. These separators allow developers to insert underscores (_) between digits in numeric literals, such as integers, floating-point numbers, and hexadecimal values. Overall, digit separators contribute to better code organization and readability in modern C++ programming. To read the full blog about digit separators, please visit our website.

Set (std::set) in Modern C++ | Learn CPlusPlus

Learn C++06 Mar, 2024Technology

Set (std::set) in Modern C++ is a sorted associative container that stores unique elements. It is part of the Standard Template Library (STL) and offers efficient insertion, deletion, and searching operations in logarithmic time. Sets maintain elements in sorted order, making them ideal for tasks requiring ordered data storage. They provide a versatile tool for managing collections while enforcing uniqueness and ordering constraints. If you want to explore more about Set (std::set) in Modern C++, take a look at this blog.

Single Responsibility Principle | Learn C++

Learn C++11 Jul, 2023Technology

A computer programming philosophy known as the Single Responsibility principle (SRP) asserts that "A module should be responsible to one, and only one, actor." This principle reveals the Rule of Zero for the classes in C++. For more information you can visit our website.

Learn C++ | Resource Acquisition in C++

Learn C++01 Jun, 2023Technology

Resource acquisition in C++ is an essential aspect of programming in C++ as it involves obtaining and managing various system resources, such as memory, files, network connections, and synchronization primitives, in a safe and controlled manner. Proper resource acquisition and release are crucial to prevent resource leaks, memory errors, and other undesirable behaviors that can lead to bugs and inefficiencies in your code.

Learn C++ - What is the C++ standard?

Learn C++09 May, 2023Technology

In this article, We explain What is the C++ standard? The C++ standard is a set of rules and guidelines for programming in the C++ language. It defines the syntax, semantics, and library for the language, ensuring consistency and compatibility across different compilers and platforms. The latest version is C++20, which introduced new features and improvements to the language. For additional information visit our website.

Learn C++ - What is the REST Debugger?

Learn C++20 Apr, 2023Technology

In this article, We explain what is the REST Debugger? It comes included with RAD Studio C++ Builder. It allows developers to make HTTP requests to a web service, inspect and analyse the responses, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. The REST Debugger is often included as part of integrated development environments (IDEs) or can be accessed through web-based applications.

What is decltype type specifier in C++ | Learn C++

Learn C++20 Mar, 2023Technology

Decltype is a C++ type specifier that allows the programmer to obtain the type of an expression at compile time without actually evaluating the expression. It is useful in situations where the type of an expression is unknown or complex. For more information about decltype type specifiers in C++ visit our website.

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