Practices to Host Live Shopping Show | Live Shopping Event

Grabbitlive04 Jun, 2022Other

Best practices to host live shopping show, live shopping event, live commerce show, video commerce, online shopping video, live online shopping. .

How Live Commerce help for Independent Retailers

Grabbitlive04 Jun, 2022Other

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a behavioral shift in how people shop. Offline shopping requires big time and resource commitments and Online shopping is largely driven by search and transaction which doesn’t fulfill the inherent joy that shopping gives. Because of this, GenZ and Millenials are looking for experiential shopping avenues, online. On the other hand, 30% of Indian retailers had to shut shop due to the pandemic and the remaining are trying to survive by going online. But they are not able to. Read the article to know why.

Best Platform to Buy Original merchandise in India

Grabbitlive04 Jun, 2022Other

Buying authentic and licensed merchandise in India has always been a challenge. Be it Abibas or cheap IPL Jerseys, there are plenty of copy products sold in the market without any moderation. Online websites aren’t shying away from selling copy products too and don’t even get started on buying authentic products on social media. A staggering 40% of buyers have been scammed on Instagram once in their life, making it very difficult for anybody to trust and pay upfront for a non-returnable product.

Best E-commerce Websites In India for Online Shopping

Grabbitlive13 Mar, 2022Other

E-commerce has changed the way businesses operate in India. Much of the growth in the e-commerce industry has been influenced by the rise of the internet and smartphone usage among the population of 1.3 billion. Additionally, Covid-19 has given a massive boost to the e-commerce industry for obvious reasons. As of July 2021, there are around 784.59 million internet connections in the country. The consecutive lockdowns have somehow provoked the Indian population to lean more towards online activities than offline.

Different types of online shopping in India

Grabbitlive15 Feb, 2022Other

Online shopping is attracting more people every day. India has the third-largest online shopper base globally, with 140 millione-retail shoppers in 2020, only behind China and the US. With the acceleration in number of online shoppers, the formats of shopping online have increased as well. People are now looking for various options to save time and money while purchasing online.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Live streaming Shopping

Grabbitlive15 Feb, 2022Other

You love shopping online but do you hate the inevitable world of ads when browsing through social media? On top of that has it ever happened that you see a product in an ad and when you click on it, you don’t see that ONE product you actually wanted to buy!? And then in hopes of getting that exact product, you probably scroll a bit, maybe go to page 2 or even 3 but no luck? It’s more common than you know and a lot of people get frustrated with that! Is there a way out of this ‘chakravyuh’ or are we doomed forever? Well, live shopping is here for the rescue!

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