What is online counselling india?

Gauravbhatt@15 Jul, 2021Health

Online counselling india is an alternative to traditional counselling sessions. During online counselling therapy, professional counselling services are offered through the Internet. Counselling provided by Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Online Counsellors and trained professionals can make a huge impact on the mental health and quality of life of individuals, families and communities.


Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

An Organic Waste Composter is a device that helps decompose the organic waste into nutrient-rich humus or compost. In other words, it is not a substitute for natural decomposition, it just accelerates the process by controlling the natural conditions such as heat, humidity, and moisture.


Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

An Organic Waste Composter is a device that helps decompose the organic waste into nutrient-rich humus or compost. In other words, it is not a substitute for natural decomposition, it just accelerates the process by controlling the natural conditions such as heat, humidity, and moisture.

GoClean Composter Machine Manufacturing in Delhi | Organic Waste Converter

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

The Organic waste converter is a Composting Machine. It consists of the Curing System and a number of optional accessories for specific waste challenges. Which We use constitutes wasted food, vegetable, and fruit, etc. Call us at +919871692007 to know more about our Waste Converter features.

GoClean Composter Machine Manufacturing in Delhi | Organic Waste Converter

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

The Organic waste converter is a Composting Machine. It consists of the Curing System and a number of optional accessories for specific waste challenges. Which We use constitutes wasted food, vegetable, and fruit, etc. Call us at +919871692007 to know more about our Waste Converter features.

GoClean Composter Machine Manufacturing in Delhi Organic Waste Converter

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

The Organic waste converter is a Composting Machine. It consists of the Curing System and a number of optional accessories for specific waste challenges. Which We use constitutes wasted food, vegetable, and fruit, etc. Call us at +919871692007 to know more about our Waste Converter features.

What are Waste management solutions?

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

Waste Management Solutions provides innovative waste disposal and recycling solutions to reduce waste, resolve problems and improve your home or business. Some of the General waste management techniques: Landfill, Incineration, Recycling, Biological reprocessing, Waste Reduction and avoidance

Temple Waste Management-Clean India Ventures

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

Over 800 million tonnes of flowers are offered to Gods at temples waste management, mosques, and gurudwaras every year across the nation. And because of sentimental values attached to it, they are often dumped directly into landfills without any segregation into biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes which cause pollution. In order to perform waste management at such places, we have to take measures to segregate the waste at the source.

Temple Waste Management-Clean India Ventures

Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

Over 800 million tonnes of flowers are offered to Gods at temples waste management, mosques, and gurudwaras every year across the nation. And because of sentimental values attached to it, they are often dumped directly into landfills without any segregation into biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes which cause pollution. In order to perform waste management at such places, we have to take measures to segregate the waste at the source.


Gauravbhatt@03 Jun, 2021News

Segregation of waste is the most important step in Kitchen Waste Management both at the Household level as well as Commercial level like restaurants, hospitality industry, etc. The waste needs to be segregated on the basis of Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable waste. Biodegradable waste includes organic waste, e.g. kitchen waste, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. The Non-biodegradable waste includes Recyclable, Toxic, Soiled, and E-waste.

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