Top frontend development tools 2022

Anjali`26 Sep, 2022Web Development

As a front end developer, you will be developing web designs using programming languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It gets more difficult to choose the right set of front end development tools as the number of tools in the market increases. In this article, we will be filling you with a brief overview of top frontend development tools.

What is web 3.0

Anjali`20 Sep, 2022Computer & Internet

Web 3.0 is the third internet transition that will feature real-time human communication through machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies. Some benefits of web 3.0 are Easy to share information, Data privacy and control, Transparency etc. This article will fill you with a brief overview of Web 3.0

How To Create an NFT Marketplace?

Anjali`12 Sep, 2022Computer & Internet

An NFT marketplace uses a transaction protocol known as Smart Contracts. These protocols allow the network to store the information indicated in the NFT transaction and regulate the connection between seller and buyer. A smart contract in the NFT marketplace ensures that the digital assets are non-replicable and one-of-a-kind. In this article, we will be filling you with a brief overview of how to create an NFT Marketplace.

Enterprise Application Development: Features, Types, Benefits and Cost

Anjali`06 Sep, 2022Web Development

Enterprise application is designed to integrate computer systems that run all the operation phases of an enterprise to offer coordination and cooperation of work throughout the enterprise. Enterprise applications aim to integrate core processes of business like accounting, finance, sales, inventory, human resources, and services.

Freelancer vs Agency Developer: Which One To Hire?

Anjali`02 Sep, 2022Computer & Internet

As an entrepreneur, you finally decided to digitize your business. You have a brilliant idea for a product and are ready to take the next step. Whether you want to create a web app or a website, it is not an easy task, even with the brightest idea you might have, when you have no experience in writing code.

Top 10 Web Development Trends in 2022

Anjali`31 Aug, 2022Web Development

Top 10 Web Development Trends 2022. Websites and mobile applications are highly in demand for all businesses these days. According to Internet Live Stats, there are more than 1.94 billion websites on the Internet today, and the number is growing at a fast pace.

Web Application Development Process

Anjali`29 Aug, 2022Web Development

A web application is an interactive application program or software that runs on a web server. Unlike desktop or mobile applications that need to be downloaded and installed on the device, web apps can be accessed through a web browser over the internet.

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