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This website is a digital representation of the positive impact people, places and things are creating in the lives of others and throughout our world. Want to check out feel good stories for a positive change? Be Inspired focuses solely on sharing nice news and feel good and inspirational stories from across the globe. Read the latest stories that may inspire you. News media company focused solely on sharing good news and feel-good stories from across the globe.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
Russia launched a full scale invasion of Ukraine recently, displacing over 650,000 civilians who fled to the border. Neighboring countries have welcomed them with open arms, but the logistics of helping that many people at once have been challenging for local authorities. Declining necessities, ranging from medical supplies to basic food provisions, have made it challenging for people to leave Ukraine to avoid the war.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
Christian and Scooby are seen at NBA games across the United States. Although you won’t see them get a game-winning basket or hit a huge three-pointer from the corner, the stadium still erupts in applause whenever they’re on the court. These two are a performance duo. Christian works with his chihuahua while showcasing lots of acrobatic moves, proving that the partnership of “man’s best friend” is alive and well.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
You can find good in anything if you can develop the practice of being more positive. As a result of your shift in perspective, your mood will improve, making everything seem a little rosier. Check out in detail "How To Find Good In Everything." If you can be grateful for the little things in life, the major successes will feel even sweeter. It will assist you in maintaining your equilibrium. Recognize and thank God for every blessing you come across. If you start looking for small things to be grateful for in your life, you'll quickly find yourself appreciative for everything.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
Who doesn’t love inspiring animal stories? We know we do! Throughout this page you’ll find lots of inspiring animal stories, with a wide range of animals covered. All throughout our world, everyday, animals are doing inspiring things. Just like people, animals are going through strife, anxiety, fear, problems. We need less tragedy, and more happy dog stories.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
In a world where the mainstream media news cycle is dominated by doom-and-gloom, you probably want to see some more uplifting news stories. When it comes to positive uplifting stories, we’ve got you covered! Be Inspired shares uplifting news and positive uplifting stories regularly to the site. We also publish inspiring animal stories and stories centered around the positivity of socializing – something a lot of people have struggled with in recent years.
Albert Stevens24 Mar, 2023News
Are you looking to be inspired and have nice news to break up the doom-and-gloom of the mainstream news cycle? If you’re seeking uplifting news stories, you’ve come to the right place. Be Inspired is changing what it means to keep up with the news, bringing your feed positivity and joy with every one of our posts - because we see the need for it.
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