Adaface JavaScript Online Assessment

Adaface18 May, 2020Computer & Internet

Adaface JavaScript Online Test will be customized to accurately evaluate on-the-job skills required for your role. This assessment test is useful when you are hiring candidates for roles like - JavaScript Developer, JavaScript Programmer, Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, NodeJS Developer, React Developer, Angular Developer and can test candidate skills on topics like Control Flow, Error handling, Data Models, Asynchronity, DOM Manipulation, Node, Functional Approach, Object Oriented Approach, Prototype, Class, Scope, etc.

Adaface PHP Online Test

Adaface15 May, 2020Education

Adaface PHP Online Test will be customized to accurately evaluate the on-the-job skills required for your role. This assessment test is useful when you are hiring candidates for roles like - Core PHP Developer, Core PHP Programmer, Backend Developer and can test candidate skills on topics like Basic PHP, Operators, Syntax, built-in functions, Loops, Variables and operators, Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS), passing by reference, globals, and scope, Security, Session, Functional Programming Arrays, etc.

The ultimate pre-employment testing guide

Adaface14 May, 2020Education

With a huge influx of applicants in the recent years owing to ease of applying, post application screening can have a dramatic impact on a company’s overall recruitment strategy. Companies that make a strategic investment in recruitment tools, assessments and tactics are able to expand their reach locally and globally, improve the candidate experience, strengthen their talent brand and improve the overall quality of hires.

Adaface Python Online Test

Adaface13 May, 2020Education

Adaface Python Online Test will be customized to accurately evaluate on-the-job skills required for your role. This assessment test is useful when you are hiring candidates for roles like - Python Developer, Core Python Programmer, Backend Developer, Web Developer, Data scientist, Data analyst and can test candidate skills on topics like Core Python, Python Constructs (Generators, Iterators, Decorators, Lambda), OOPs, Multi threading, List, Tuples, Dictionary, Classes, Objects, Loops, Exceptions., etc.

Adaface C++ online test

Adaface13 May, 2020Education

Adaface C++ Online Test will be customized to accurately evaluate the on-the-job skills required for your role. This assessment test is useful when you are hiring candidates for roles like - C++ Developer, C++ Programmer, Backend Developer and can test candidate skills on topics like Decision Control, Looping Statements, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Classes, and Objects, Constructors and Destructors, Inheritance and Polymorphism, File Handling., etc.

Adaface Logical Reasoning Online Test

Adaface13 May, 2020Education

Adaface Logical reasoning Test will be customized to accurately evaluate on-the-job skills required for your role. This assessment test is useful when you are hiring candidates for roles like - Graduates, Freshers, Managers, Data Analyst, System Admin, Front-office roles and can test candidate skills on topics like abstract reasoning, critical thinking, diagrammatic reasoning, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, problem solving, pattern matching, etc.

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