Eric Njoka08 Dec, 2023Travel
The best way to get from Arusha to Moshi is to bus which takes 1h 41m and costs shuttle to arusha . Alternatively, you can train, which costs and takes 2h, you could also fly, which costs $100 ? $120 Kenya Tanzania Shuttle Buses between Nairobi , Arusha and Moshi from Nairobi Airport or City hotels. Arusha transfers offer the best Nairobi Transportation Services To Arusha. At Arusha Transfers, we offer cheap, reliable Nairobi Shuttles, Nairobi Taxis, and Nairobi bus transportation to and from Arusha. Also, we operate 24 Hrs, 7 days a week, Plan and pre-book your airport transportation to Arusha.
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